FantaSci AAR 2021

We arrived on Thursday, had a lovely dinner with Kim Schoeffel, Rob Hampson, Evil Penguin, Tom Coonradt, Chris Smith, Chris and Wendy Woods, and Patrick Wandrey. It was a lovely evening and an excellent way to start a convention, thanks again! After an amazing meal we met up with the rest of the CKP crowd at the Aviator pub for some drinks. A good time was had by all.

Friday started with a load-in for the dealer room which went very smoothly, and sales picked up right away, which was awesome. There were tons of hugs and lots of help provided, all of which were greatly appreciated.  After the panels were over for the day we hung out briefly on the porch with everyone, then called it an early night.

Saturday started out bright and early, Mark enjoyed his panels and Joy spent time in the dealer room selling stuff. The “Care and Feeding of Authors” panel was a blast, if you missed it you missed a real treat. Saturday afternoon Mark and Jon initiated the Rules of Engagement kickstarter at the CKP Year Ahead panel, and the lovely Marisa Wolf awarded a Depik Favor Token to the first person to make a pledge, Darrell Fenn. Well Done Mercs!! That kickstarter is now at 89% funded and we are so excited that you all love our universe so much! Find it here:

The Dining Out Saturday night was a huge success and tons of fun, thanks for coming out and playing along. Special thanks to Larry Corriea and his lovely wife Bridgett, they played along and were good sports about going to the grog bowl. Shiro Syndicate stole the show at the very end of the nigh by stealing the entire grog bowl and draining it! Don’t worry, Joel managed to save some for next year, barely!

Sunday started bright and early again with panels and dealer hall. Mark mostly hung around with folks, sold some books, signed some books, and talked a lot. After the hall closed we had a lot of help in packing up and loading out, which was very much appreciated. Darrell Fenn, Alexis, and Aiden all assisted in getting boxes packed and moved to the truck, kudos to them, and my thanks! We took long enough to go back to the RV and drop most of the stuff off, then met up with the rest of CKP for a mid-day meal at Tra’li Irish Pub. After that we all headed back to the hotel for the dead dog party, and then just hung out on the porch for a couple hours. All in all it was an awesome con, and we can’t wait to do it again!

Mark and Joy

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